This page is a reference guide for converting OpenSCAD code to LuaCAD. While Lua is generally a very simple and approachable language, some syntax features might be a little surprising to OpenSCAD users and are highlighted in yellow here.

One of the biggest differences is that parentheses are optional when calling functions in Lua and the argument is either a string or a {…} block (also called a table).

So following statements are equivalent:

Furthermore code is usually written with a method chaining syntax, which puts the focus on the object being manipulated rather than the function being called. This makes it easier to read and understand the code.


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Variable assignment x = value; x = value
local x = value
Conditional expression x = cond ? true_val : false_val; x = cond and true_val or false_val
Function definition x = function (a) a + a; x = function (a) return a + a end
Module definition and usage module name(…) {
function name(…)
  return …
Function definition and usage function name(…) = …
function name(…) return … end
Include file with exported symbols include <….scad> require "…"
Use file but keep namespace separate use <….scad> local module = require "…"


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Create a circle circle(radius)
Create a square with equal sides square(size, center) square(size, center)
Create a rectangle square([width, height], center) square{width, height, center)
Create a polygon from points polygon([points]) polygon{points}
Create a polygon with paths polygon([points], [paths]) polygon{points, paths}
Create text text(t, size, font,
    halign, valign, spacing,
    direction, language, script)
text(t, {size=size, font=font, ...})
Import 2D file (DXF/SVG) import("….extformats: DXF|SVG", convexity) import("file.dxf", convexity)
Project 3D model to 2D projection(cut) obj:projection(cut)


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Create a sphere sphere(radius)
Create a cube with equal sides cube(size, center) cube(size, center)
Create a rectangular prism cube([width, depth, height], center) cube{{width, depth, height}, center}
Create a cylinder cylinder(h, r|d, center) cylinder(h, r, center)
cylinder{h=h, d=d, center=center}
Create a truncated cone cylinder(h, r1|d1, r2|d2, center) cylinder(h, r1, r2, center)
cylinder{h=h, d1=d1, d2=d2, center=center}
Create a polyhedron polyhedron(points, faces, convexity) polyhedron(points, faces, convexity)
Import 3D file (STL/etc) import("….extformats: STL|OFF|AMF|3MF", convexity) import("file.stl", convexity)
Extrude 2D shape into 3D linear_extrude(height, center, convexity, twist, slices) obj:linear_extrude(height, {center=center, ...})
Rotate 2D shape around Y axis rotate_extrude(angle, convexity) obj:rotateExtrude(angle, convexity)
Create a 3D surface from heightmap surface(file = "….extformats: DAT|PNG", center, convexity) surface("file.png", center, convexity)

Boolean operations

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Combine objects union() { obj1; obj2; } obj1 + obj2
Subtract objects difference() { obj1; obj2; } obj1 - obj2
Keep overlapping parts intersection() { obj1; obj2; } obj1 & obj2


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Move object translate([x, y, z]) obj:translate(x, y, z)
Rotate around each axis sequentially rotate([x, y, z]) obj:rotate(x, y, z)
Rotate around vector rotate(a, [x, y, z]) obj:rotate(a, {x, y, z})
Scale object scale([x, y, z]) obj:scale(x, y, z)
Resize object to absolute dimensions resize([x, y, z], auto, convexity) obj:resize{{x, y, z}, auto, convexity}
Mirror object across plane mirror([x, y, z]) obj:mirror(x, y, z)
Apply transformation matrix multmatrix(m) obj:multmatrix(m)
Apply color by name color("colorname", alpha) obj:color("colorname", alpha)
Apply color by hex value color("#rgb|#rrggbb")
obj:color("#rgb|#rrggbb") obj:color("#rgba|#rrggbbaa")
Apply color by RGBA values color([r, g, b, a]) obj:color(r, g, b, a)
Offset 2D shape offset(r|delta, chamfer) obj:offset(r, chamfer)
Create hull around objects hull() obj:hull()
Minkowski sum of objects minkowski() obj:minkowski()

Modifier Characters

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Disable * s(…)
Show only ! o(…)
Highlight / debug # d(…)
Transparent / background % t(…)

Math Operators

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Addition n + m n + m
Subtraction n - m n - m
Multiplication n * m n * m
Division n / m n / m
Modulo n % m n % m
Exponentiation n ^ m n ^ m
Less Than n < m n < m
Less or Equal n <= m n <= m
Equal b == c b == c
Not Equal b != c b ~= c
Greater or Equal n >= m n >= m
Greater Than n > m n > m
Logical And b && c b and c
Logical Or b || c b or c
Negation !b not b


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Undefined value undef nil
Mathematical constant π (~3.14159) PI math.pi
Smallest Integer math.mininteger
Largest Integer math.maxinteger
Biggest Number math.huge

Special variables

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Minimum angle $fa settings.fa
Minimum size $fs settings.fs
Number of fragments $fn settings.fn
Animation step $t settings.t
Viewport rotation angles in degrees $vpr settings.vpr
Viewport translation $vpt settings.vpt
Viewport camera distance $vpd settings.vpd
Viewport camera field of view $vpf settings.vpf
Number of module children $children settings.children
True in preview mode, false for render $preview settings.preview


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Create a list list = […, …, …]; list = {…, …, …}
Index a list (Lua is 1-indexed) x = list[2]; x = list[3]
Dot notation indexing (x/y/z) x = list.z; x = list.z

List Comprehensions

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Generate array with values [ for (i = range|list) i ] local result = {}
for i = start, stop do
  table.insert(result, i)
Generate with for loop [ for (init;condition;next) i ] local result = {}
for i = init, max, step do
  if condition then
    table.insert(result, i)
Flatten array [ each i ] table.unpack(table)
Filter array with condition [ for (i = …) if (condition(i)) i ] local result = {}
for _, i in ipairs(list) do
  if condition(i) then
    table.insert(result, i)
Conditional values in comprehension [ for (i = …) if (condition(i)) x else y ] local result = {}
for _, i in ipairs(list) do
  table.insert(result, condition(i) and x or y)
Local assignments in comprehension [ for (i = …) let (assignments) a ] local result = {}
for _, i in ipairs(list) do
  local x = expression
  table.insert(result, a)

Flow Control

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
For loop with range for (i = [start:end]) { … } for i = start, stop do … end
For loop with step for (i = [start:step:end]) { … } for i = start, stop, step do … end
For loop with list for (i = […,…,…]) { … } for _, i in ipairs({…,…,…}) do … end
For loop with multiple variables for (i = …, j = …, …) { … } for _, item in ipairs(list) do local i, j = item[1], item[2] … end
Intersect multiple iterations intersection_for(i = [start:end]) { … } local models = {} for i = start, stop do table.insert(models, …) end cad.intersection(models)
Intersect with step intersection_for(i = [start:step:end]) { … } local models = {} for i = start, stop, step do table.insert(models, …) end cad.intersection(models)
Intersect list iterations intersection_for(i = […,…,…]) { … } local models = {} for _, i in ipairs({…,…,…}) do table.insert(models, …) end cad.intersection(models)
Conditional execution if (…) { … } if … then … end
Local variable definition let (…) { … } local … = … …

Type test functions

Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Check if undefined is_undef() x == nil
Check if boolean is_bool() is_bool()
Check if number is_num() is_num()
Check if string is_string is_str()
Check if list is_list() is_list()
Check if function is_function() is_func()


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Print message to console echo(…) print(…)
Force rendering render(convexity) obj:render(convexity)
Access child objects children([idx]) children[idx]
Assert condition is true assert(condition, message) assert(condition, message)
Concatenate vectors / lists concat([1,2], [3,4]) concat({1,2}, {3,4})
Look up value in a table lookup() lookup()
Convert to string str(123) tostring(123)
Get character from code chr(65) string.char(65)
Get code from character ord("a") string.byte("a")
(does not work for multi-byte characters)
Search for value search() string.find()
Get version string version() version()
Get parent module name parent_module(idx) debug.getinfo(2, "n").name


Description OpenSCAD LuaCAD
Absolute value abs() math.abs()
Sign of value (-1, 0, 1) sign() sign()
Sine function sin() math.sin()
Cosine function cos() math.cos()
Tangent function tan() math.tan()
Arc cosine function acos() math.acos()
Arc sine function asin() math.asin()
Arc tangent function atan() math.atan()
2-argument arc tangent atan2() math.atan2()
Round down floor() math.floor()
Round to nearest round() round()
Round up ceil() math.ceil()
Natural logarithm ln() math.log()
Length of array len() #array()
Local variable declaration let(x = 123) local x = 123
Base-10 logarithm log(x) math.log(x, 10)
Power function pow(x, y) x ^ y
Square root sqrt() math.sqrt()
Exponential function exp() math.exp()
Random numbers rands(min, max, count, seed) math.randomseed(seed)
math.random(min, max)
Minimum value min() math.min()
Maximum value max() math.max()
Vector length/magnitude norm() vector.length()
Cross product of vectors cross() vector.cross()